spotlight on Marisol!

Meet Marisol!

I have had the pleasure of coaching Marisol Villela since she began training for the 2022 Berlin Marathon - so we are almost at our 2-year anniversary of working together. She is someone who will make you smile and laugh even on the toughest day … she loves to research things, bring me questions, and discuss the answers (a student of the sport, for sure!) … she’s spent many, many hours on planes traveling around the country & world! This Q&A is just a little glimpse into her story and how amazing she truly is — enjoy!!!

Dr. Coach Megan


What’s your story? How did you find running (or did running find you)?

“I had never run in my life, and one day my husband asked me: do you want to run with a group from work? So I did! I went, ran 6 miles, and after that I kept running — I hate it but I love it. Then one day I said: I’m going to run a marathon … so I signed up for Chicago, got in on the lottery, and ran my first marathon (2017), crazyyyy. After that, the rest is history, I just wanted to run more. I told myself that I want to run the 6 Major marathons [Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, NYC] — so far I’ve done 3, and I have 2 more coming this year (2024).”

What is your personal best time?

5:18 at the Berlin Marathon 2022 (averaging just over 12:00 for 26.2 miles!)

Where is your favorite place to run? If you could spend a whole day running, where would you go, and who would go with you?

“I don’t have a favorite place, but I love to run trails in the mountains - it’s peaceful and the views are amazing. On the roads, I like to be by a canal or river, I like the sound of the water and birds. If I keep getting into the Majors, it’s a vacation too! For a day, I would find somewhere in the mountains and do a trail run and enjoy nature; I usually enjoy going by myself.

What running-related accomplishment are you most proud of?

Completing 4 marathons! (so far…)

What does a typical training week look like for you?

Usually a short run with strides on Monday. The other days include a workout run like tempo, hills or speed runs; and one day for a long run. It ranges from 20-30 miles a week over 4 days of running. In the last few months we’ve added more cross-training time too.

What has been the biggest challenge in your running so far?

“For me the biggest challenge is running in winter, I much prefer running during warmer summer days. Winter makes it harder, you have to wear so many layers and that sometimes makes me want to stay home — so much to get ready for a run in the winter.

Also, with some years of running now, I learned that I really need to eat well even if it's a short run, at least have a banana before I go. For long runs I learn that I have to start eating carbs and some proteins and hydrate two or three days before my long run.”

[added by Megan: she also recovered from ACL surgery like a pro, and felt ready to take on marathon training again less than a year later!]

When you do long runs/races, what do you eat & drink?

“I usually eat a bagel with peanut butter and banana and honey, maybe coffee but usually water … or oatmeal with chia, hemp, raisins or some berries if I have it and a piece of toast with it. I take my vest and carry water and electrolytes, gels or gummies, fig bar, some salty almonds and I also carry salt. Post run, I'm craving a burger and a shake, or maybe a bean chicken burrito and more water and electrolytes and rest.”

What have you found to be the keys to your success in running?

You have to put the miles, but also don't get injured, eat healthy for sure … and of course have some wine. :)

Share a fun fact about your non-running life:

I have friends on every continent!

Do you have any final thoughts or words of wisdom for other runners?

“If you think you’d like to start running, start slow, maybe three times a week … be consistent … watch you tube videos. Running is not created over night, it takes time, be patient, check with your running store, they have running groups. D'on't give up — give it time, months maybe, set a goal and don't give up!

Contact Marisol!

If you want to hear more about Marisol’s story, or meet up for a run sometime — you can find her on Strava!

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