
you may remember my “birthday celebrations” from a little over a month ago — and the blog post titled “reflections” which was filled with, well, reflections of the past 5 years of my business as well as what led me to where i am. now it’s time to look forward … what’s coming next for immersion pt? read on to find out!!

RESTORE :: bone injury program

this is my baby! i have had the idea of something like this floating around in my head for some time now, but the inspiration for all of the pieces to come together and put it out into the world haven’t really made it … until now!!! this program was derived from personal experiences with bone stress injuries that prompted my own deep-dive into learning more about them. if you’ve been to any of my community talks lately, you’ve probably heard me talk a lot about bones — this is why. so if you’re currently dealing with a bone injury (“stress fracture” & “stress reaction” are the common terms), i strongly encourage you to check out this program. it is an investment of YOUR resources (time & money & energy) and MY resources (personal & professional experience, time & energy) that is designed to help you RESTORE your ability to do what you love & enjoy life!


how many times have you bounced around from one doctor to another and not really gotten the answers or direction you need? yep, we’ve been there too. together with holly serrao, PhD (capital area psychological services) & theresa delorenzo, RD (nutrition for optimal performance), TP3 is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to your training and performance. you’ll work with all 3 of us over the course of several months to optimize your athletic “readiness” — and we will ALL communicate about putting the pieces together. we understand the importance of your physical, emotional & mental well-being in putting a good training block or performance together — and our goal is to facilitate all of that to help you be at your best when it matters. this program will officially launch in summer of 2024 so consider this your “sneak peek” :)

workshops & RETREATS!

i grew up in a family centered around education and school. my dad was a middle school teacher, and my mom was a school nurse — so for me to be able to educate others about certain health topics really is the ultimate combination of my parents! (aren’t you proud, mom & dad??) let me say that i LOVE doing community workshops … it’s a low-key way that i get to meet more of “my people” and share knowledge that will (hopefully) keep them from needing me as a physical therapist. this may not be the best business model to actively try to not have patients but, it is better aligned with my value of healthcare being focused on preventative health & wellness practices, rather than reactive “sick”-care — don’t get me wrong, injuries happen and i am here for you if you need me, but i’d rather you stay healthy & just come to my talks!! keep an eye on my calendar & social media for upcoming events!

there is also, of course, the [empowering female athletes] retreat. theresa delorenzo and i co-host this — we’re in year 4 now and still growing! it is a beautiful getaway for female athletes, allowing them time to focus on what matters to them as an athlete (and a person!), gain some skills & knowledge from a variety of professionals to support their athletic journey, and feel re-invigorated & inspired by connecting with nature & other women! our 2024 retreat is almost at capacity so if you’re on the fence, register soon!!!

i am in the process of creating a similar retreat — a one-day event — for high school and collegiate athletes. we know time is of the essence here, and sometimes scholarships are on the line — but in order for our performances to be outstanding, we need to have the supports in place, use them, and enjoy what we’re doing. this event will take place in august 2024 — more details coming!


hosting a group run and want a little time to “ask a PT”? count me in! looking for a sponsor of a small event or upcoming race? i will do my best! i am invested in our little community as an athlete and a healthcare provider, so don’t hesitate to reach out and ask what we can do together!

my dream is to create a community/club team that will meet for practices/workouts, be coached by me, compete in some fun (and maybe high level!) events, and be a presence in the community through volunteering and mentoring. do you have a similar interest — as a club member, another “support-staff” person, or a financial backer/investor? please let me know!!! and stay tuned for more info…

What’s continuing?

as i move past my 5-year anniversary, i am continuing to offer 1-on-1 physical therapy sessions for those looking to rehab an injury or optimize their bodies for training/performance. i am continuing to provide fully individualized coaching for runners of all levels & distances from the mile to ultra-marathon!

when i created this business, i wanted to be in a position to work with healthy runners and injured runners, both of which can utilize my knowledge & skillset as a PT and coach. i’ve recently been able to designate more time to my business, which is really exciting because i’m doing what i love. as i said in my reflections post, i am living my best life… and you are a part of the journey that has gotten me here!

Here’s to the next 5 years, and beyond!!

Dr. Coach Megan

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