Dance in the Rain

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass –

it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

–Vivian Greene


We are certainly in the midst of chaos now – maybe more or less than we were a few weeks ago, depending on where you live and work … or maybe for some of you it’s become controlled chaos by now.


I’m not here to tell you anything new or different or maybe even all that exciting.  I’m simply here to tell you I am with you


My work hours got dropped … just like yours.

My increased time at home and with just my immediate family has been about as smooth as a wooden roller coaster and predictable as a snowfall forecast in upstate NY … just like yours.

My race calendar got decimated … just like yours.


My social media and screen usage time has skyrocketed … just like yours.


But … do you know what else has happened?


My sleep routine has improved. 

My never-ending to-do list of projects is finally getting some items checked off. 

My dog is getting longer walks more regularly than ever. 


My daughter is helping my husband in the garden. 

My core work has gotten a little more diverse and robust. 


Take a minute and step outside.  Can you hear the birds chirping, the frogs croaking, the neighborhood kids playing?  These are the sounds that we’ve crowded out with the busy-ness of life: in hustling from one activity to the next, in hearing the drone of airplanes across the sky, and watching the rush of traffic on the streets.  (When was the last time you put gas in your car?)


I know there are people and families who have lost loved ones to COVID-19, and I do not want to disrespect them; I can’t imagine that hardship, and I will offer you my sympathy, support and friendship in whatever way possible. 


But I’m also challenging you to find the silver lining.  It may be small, it may seem insignificant, but I promise you: it is there. 


What is one thing that is better today than it was two months ago? 


Let’s all take a minute to dance in the rain today – and if you aren’t sure how, your kids can probably teach you :)

Megan JamesComment