
my daughter turned 6 recently … and since she was really the impetus for getting immersion off the ground, i thought it would be fun to honor her with a special blog post! she amazes me with her words, her wisdom at a young age, and how much love & energy she has in her tiny body!

she is her own unique person — sometimes she tells us she wants to be a boy, then she’ll talk about being a mom someday & being a strong woman … she loves crazy hair day and crazy sock day because they fit her personality (in other words, pretty much every day is crazy hair/sock day!) … her favorite sport is the one that’s currently in season … red, white & blue (mostly blue) are her favorite colors … she loves her stuffies & paw patrol (especially chase!) … and, she tells me i’m the best mom she could ever ever ever have :)

and here are some of my favorite “emma-isms” of the last several months …

Emma’s thoughts on love:

you don’t have to be perfect. you just have to be … loved.

what does “i love you” mean? it means you’re always in my love.

“recharge my love” — it never runs out because you always recharge it with your snuggles.

EMMA’S THOUGHTS on growing up:

I am tougher. I am fiercer. I am sillier. I am stronger than I was when I was a baby.

[on the morning of her last day of kindergarten] >> Things I’m excited about: meeting my first grade teacher, and summer vacation. Things I’m sad about: leaving Mrs. Shea, and not having science.

Emma’s thoughts on toughness:

[after getting a splash of soapy water in her eye] >> yep, I’m OK, cause we’re strong women, right, Mama? And we never give up.

my thoughts on giving emma candy (written in my notes app on a random night):

Tonight I gave Emma a Hershey kiss. Not because she ate all her veggies or put her dishes in the sink, or cleaned up her backpack. Not because she got a 100 on a test or passed a fitness test. I gave it to her because I love her. She didn’t have to earn that treat — she earned it by existing.

i hope your days are filled with as much love, excitement & wonder as a 6-year-old learning to explore & love the world, herself, and other people.

i am so lucky to be her mama. happy birthday, emma cj!!

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